Thursday, May 2, 2013

What I was feeling when I attended one of Mr. Gatsby’s parties….

I finally went to one of the famous parties at Jay Gatsby’s house.  At first, I was very excited about going.  Jay told me that he had all those parties just because he hoped they would help him to find me.  That makes me feel so special.  He went to all that trouble and expense just for me.  What girl wouldn’t love that!  Of course Tom didn’t want to go, but he agreed to go with me when I begged him.  Talk about a letdown!  I was so disappointed.  It was like a circus and not at all like the parties that we generally attend.   I felt out of place and silly being there.  The guests were low-class, and it was too loud for my liking.  It looked like Jay was trying to show off, and I was embarrassed for him.  I don’t want to be around those people again.  I don’t intend to go to anymore of Jay’s distasteful parties.  

Why I let everyone believe that Jay Gatsby was driving the car that killed Myrtle......

I was terribly upset the day that I hit Myrtle.  Things were very confused in my head.  I was so sure that I wanted to leave Tom for Jay until Tom told me how Jay got his money.  Everything got mixed up, and I just wanted to get away.  I suddenly realized that I would be lost without Tom.  That’s when Myrtle ran in front of the car.  I didn't have any choice but to hit her.  Right away, Jay said he would take responsibility and let everyone think he was driving.  I thought that was a great idea because I wouldn't have to worry about the situation anymore.  I figured that Tom and I could leave town for a while until everything quieted down.  People already talk about Jay and say he’s done questionable things, so they will all believe he was driving.  Jay has friends who can help him get out of trouble too, so I know it will be fine.  He can take care of himself. 

Why I married Tom Buchanan….

            I decided to marry Tom Buchanan for many different reasons. First of all, even though I was truly in love with Jay Gatsby, he was away at war.  I got tired of waiting for him to come home. I was lonely, and I missed having a man around to spend time with.  Tom comes from a wealthy family, and he is the kind of man that my family expected me to marry.  Jay did not have that kind of money, and he could not have provided me with the kind of life that I am used to having.  Tom and I suit each other very well and meet the expectations of our family and friends.  I do love Tom.  It’s not the same love that I feel for Jay, but I do still love him and our life together.  I know that he loves me the same way.  Even though he has been with other women, in the end he respects me and our marriage and what we represent as a couple.